Arion - RennSport-MT M-Class body WB 225mm inc Mask, Decal, Wing and Wing Mount
Arion - RennSport-MT M-Class body WB 225mm inc Mask, Decal, Wing and Wing Mount
Arion bodyshells are made from tough, genuine polycarbonate all shells are supplied clear, unpainted with wing, window masks and headlight/window frame decals where appropriate.
Check the wheel base of your M-Class car before purchase, many can be adjusted by reversing the rear wishbones. Typically an M-Class car may be 210mm, 225mm or 239mm wheelbase (the distance between the front and rear wheel axle/nuts).
This body comes complete with Body, Wing, Wing Mounts, Window Masks and window decals, it does not come with any sponsor decals.